
Smoking cessation

Stop smoking: you can do it! Have you been thinking about quitting for a while and wondering where to start?

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Smoking Cessation

The process of quitting smoking is not easy. Health care professionals can help, and Accès pharma chez Walmart-affiliated pharmacists can truly make a difference. The tools available can help you achieve your goal of quitting. Talk to your pharmacist, they will know how to help you. 

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Smoking and its impacts in health

The smoke from just one cigarette can contain up to 7,000 chemicals, of which 69 are known to be cancerous. Inhaled smoke circulates everywhere in your body, not just in your lungs, but throughout all of your vital organs. This is why smoking has much more serious consequences on your body that you may think.

Second-hand smoke

Second-hand smoke is as harmful as smoke inhaled by smokers. The air-borne tobacco smoke can have dangerous effects on the health everyone around you, including your family.

Our tips for quitting

There are several ways to go about it, and it is worth noting that while one solution might work well for someone, another may work better for you. What’s important is not to get discouraged and to think about your well-being, as well as that of those around you. Once you have made up your mind, you will have to be patient and use willpower, but the result will definitely be worth it.

The side effects of quitting smoking: myths and realities

Certain misconceptions about what happens when you quit smoking may be making your decision to quit more difficult. What if these beliefs were in fact false, and that you were even closer to achieving your goal than you thought?

Smoking cessation

If you smoke, you are ruining your own health AND the health of those around you. It’s time to think about quitting!

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