What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is an infection caused by a coronavirus, a highly contagious virus that mainly affects the respiratory system.
Coronaviruses (CoV) got their name because they have crown-like spikes on their surface. Some coronaviruses cause illness in animals, and some cause illness in humans. Others can be transmitted from animals to humans; this is the case for the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Symptoms of COVID-19
Symptoms of COVID-19 can be very mild to severe. They typically appear 5 to 7 days after exposure to the virus, but in some cases, symptoms can appear up to 14 days after exposure.

How to Prevent COVID-19?
The best way to stop the pandemic remains to prevent the transmission of the disease. The goal is to lower the number of people that go on to be infected by a person who has the virus.
To do so, it is essential to continue applying public health recommendations and to abide by the rules in effect. That way, you ensure your own protection as well as that of others.

Before going to the pharmacy
Please know that a stringent sanitation protocol has been implemented in our 68 pharmacies. Rest assured that our pharmacies and facilities are being cleaned several times a day in order to provide a healthy environment for staff as well as patients.

Treatments and Vaccines
In December 2020, a vaccine against COVID-19 was approved by Health Canada, and the vaccination campaign is underway in Québec. Further details regarding the vaccination of the general public shall follow in 2021.

Frequently asked questions
You got more questions?
influenza (flu)
hepatitis A
hepatitis B
meningococcal disease
pneumococcal disease
pertussis (whooping cough)
varicella (chickenpox)
HPV (human papillomavirus)
Pregnant Womenpertussis (whooping cough)
influenza (flu)
Note: Live vaccines against influenza (or, for example, against measles, mumps, and rubella) are generally contraindicated during pregnancy.
60 years and olderinfluenza (flu)
pneumococcal disease
Travelers (depending on the destination, sometimes mandatory)
Japanese encephalitis
yellow fever
hepatitis A
hepatitis B
meningococcal disease
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