Shingles symptoms first manifest as tingling or a painful rash on one side of the body, most often along a nerve. The affected area then becomes very sensitive, and red blisters form. These become filled with fluid containing the chickenpox virus. Once these break out, they dry up and disappear within two to three weeks.
Seeing as shingles attacks a person’s nerves, it is not uncommon to feel deep pain and itching. In some cases, these can persist for months, even years. This is called post-shingles neuralgia.
The exact cause of this illness remains unknown. Factors that weaken the immune system, such as fatigue, stress, cancer, aging or the use of certain medications can lead to a return of the virus.
It is also important to note that all people who’ve had the chickenpox carry the shingles virus.
Shingles is contagious as long as the skin rashes contain liquid. Should this fluid come into direct contact with another person, this person may develop the chickenpox (not shingles). In most cases, if you’ve already had the chickenpox, you probably won’t get it a second time. Nonetheless, exceptions do occur. That’s why, as long as the lesions haven’t dried out (i.e., until the blisters form a crust), it is best for shingles sufferers to keep their distances from others.
New! You can now receive antiviral shingles therapy from your pharmacist affiliated with Accès Pharma! When taken within 3 days following the appearance of the first skin lesions, this treatment accelerates healing, alleviates pain and prevents the risk of post-shingles neuralgia.
The antiviral treatment can be combined with other measures in order to soothe pain and discomfort:
Pain relievers can be taken, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Seek the advice of your pharmacist.
Cold water compresses may be applied to lesions.
Loose, comfortable clothing may be worn to avoid rubbing.
A shingles vaccine for people over 50 years of age has been available for a few years. Its efficacy does not diminish with age, and its protection lasts at least 10 years following the 2nd dose. It has few side effects and considerably shortens the duration of the illness as well as the physical pain it causes. Feel free to consult your affiliated pharmacist to find out more.
The information on this page does in no way replace the advice and guidance of health care professionals, and pharmacist-owners affiliated with Accès pharma chez Walmart can in no way be held professionally responsible for said information. At the time of publication, the information on this page was accurate, but it is subject to change.