Food rich in vitamin D
The primary source of vitamin D is the sun. Since it is difficult to cook(!), many foods are fortified with vitamin D: milk, certain soya beverages, salmon, red and canned tuna, canned sardines and some orange juices. Egg yolks area also a good source of vitamin D.
When it is necessary to take a supplement?
Since it is known as the sunshine vitamin, Quebecers frequently suffer from a lack of vitamin D, especially during the winter.
Breast milk meets all of your baby’s needs, except that for vitamin D since it doesn’t contain enough. You can offer your baby a supplement (400 IU a day) while you breastfeed by simply putting a drop on your nipple.
*Remember, formula is fortified with vitamin D already.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to talk to your Accès pharma affiliated pharmacist.
This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice and Accès pharma affiliated pharmacist-owners cannot be held responsible for this information. The information was true and accurate at the time of publication, but it is subject to change.