Improved disease management: it changes everything!
Pharmacists affiliated with Accès pharma chez Walmart provide extensive services to diabetic patients: disease monitoring, blood sugar measurement, medication dose adjustments based on your test results, as well as an array of related services. Your pharmacist may act autonomously, in consultation with your healthcare team (doctor, nurse, nutritionist, kinesiologist and so on).
For more information or to start monitoring your diabetes, schedule an appointment online today.
Services provided by Accès pharma to diabetics
Injectable medication: learning support
Injectable medicines such as insulin require increased attention at the initial stages of treatment. Your pharmacist is there to explain how to administer them, for example by providing a demonstration using the injection device.
Planning and self-monitoring of blood glucose
Glycemia refers to the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. It is the main parameter that must be monitored very closely, given that a blood glucose level that is too low or too high can have serious consequences on the health of diabetic patients.
In order to provide you with the best possible tools for daily diabetes monitoring, your pharmacist takes the time to complete your file and develop a plan with you, including the following:
- Advice for choosing the most suitable glucometer, i.e., device for measuring the levels of glucose in your blood
- Calibration of your instrument for reliable results
- Information on desired blood sugar levels and calculation of medication dosages
- Recommendations regarding the best times to take your medication
Glycemia measurement using capillary sampling
Several affiliated pharmacies provide glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) measurement, which reveals your average blood sugar readings over the past 3 months. Glycated hemoglobin is the main reference parameter for monitoring glycemic control in diabetic patients.
Taken via capillary samples, glycated hemoglobin readings allow you to determine the concentration of glucose in your blood, called glycemia, over a period of 3 months.
Monitoring and interpretation of your glycemia results
Your pharmacist performs an analysis of your blood sugar test results and, together with you, develops an intervention plan for preventing complications if your readings are too out-of-range.
Medication follow-up and adjustment
In addition to closely following your diabetes treatment, your pharmacist makes sure that all prescribed medicines, as well as any over-the-counter health products do not interfere with medication you may already be taking and do not affect glycemia.
Your pharmacist is qualified to inform you of adverse side effects, most of which are mild and temporary, and they can tell you what to do if you do experience side effects. Since the entry into force of Bill 31, pharmacists are permitted to adjust the dosage of your medicines, upwards or downwards as warranted, or to change your medication autonomously.
BEWARE: Do not ever make changes to your treatment and never stop your treatment without speaking to your pharmacist or doctor.
Fixed-day prescription renewal
By regularly renewing all of your medications, you can enjoy a treatment without interruptions and help your pharmacist to make sure that you are following your treatment faithfully. Your pharmacist can synchronize the quantities of your various medications in order for all of them to expire at the same date, whenever possible.
Do try our automatic online renewal service: it’s handy and available 24/7, 365 days per year.
Blood pressure monitoring and interpretation
Diabetics are much more at risk for hypertension, and many of them should be taking antihypertensive medication. See your pharmacist in order to:
- Have your blood pressure checked more precisely using licensed equipment
- Receive advice regarding the purchase of an at-home blood pressure monitor suited to your needs
- Have your test results interpreted and receive appropriate guidance
Many patients living with diabetes are at risk of developing problems with their feet. Diabetics have less efficient blood circulation, which can cause a loss of sensitivity in the extremities, as well as other complications.
Your pharmacist can help you by supervising the regular examination of your feet, which is done in the discretion of a private examination room.
If needed, your pharmacist can refer you to a nurse specialized in footcare, who can:
- Detect neuropathic pains, if any
- Recommend the best bandages for wound care
- Change your dressings if need be
- Clip your toenails as well as provide care of corns and calluses
- Recommend an elastic stocking to prevent complications due to poor circulation
Custom advice and specialist referrals
Healthy living can have a huge impact on the way diabetes manifests itself. Your pharmacist can provide you with tips suited to the general state of your health.
When needed, your pharmacist can refer you to other healthcare professionals. That way, you can be monitored by another specialist as well, such as a nurse, nutritionist, kinesiologist, psychologist, etc.
The more you know about diabetes and understand its challenges, the better your disease management will be. Diabetes Québec is an excellent reference for a wide array of useful information as well as the contact information for your closest diabetes education centre.
Feel free to speak with your pharmacist affiliated with Accès pharma chez Walmart by scheduling an appointment online if you have questions and wish to partake in our range of services to diabetics.
Most of our services are provided free of charge. You have everything to gain by taking advantage.